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Visitors Counter

Site Visitors, Blog Visitors count, Free Counter for Websites

Visitors to your ecommerce website or your personal website coming 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If your site is of good quality and good content which is interesting for visitors then the more people or visitors will be attracted to your site. In case of a shopping site or in case of a business site the more visits you get the better it is .

This is a signal for you that you are getting attention of people. This will give you exact idea on the how many people are in fact coming to your website. If the number of visitors is increasing day by day this means that the people interested in your services is growing. This is a positive thing and if you are not doing that you should run a marketing campaign to gain more people and exposure.

We sites which are good for tracking site visitors are

These free counter for websites are pretty easy to implement and novice person who is not much a programmer can put these to their sites and start to track Site Visitors immediately after implementation of the code. Also if you add this code to your blogs then this will also work there and will start tracking you Blogs. This Blog visitors count can be put on almost any type of blog to keep track of visitors on day to day basis.